
Hello there, I’m Ray Vellest, the man behind Brandable.

What started as a branding agency is now evolving into a platform focused on helping people grow with the power of personal branding. This transformation is not just a change in direction, but a response to the shifting tide of the branding landscape.

With the rise of artificial intelligence, the world of branding is becoming democratised. The power to create compelling brands isn’t just in the hands of industry experts, but it’s slowly moving into the hands of anyone armed with the right knowledge.

In the spirit of this transformation, I’m currently updating this website content to ensure it’s not only relevant and accurate but also insightful and actionable. I’m a firm believer in continuous learning, and I’m committed to keeping our content fresh and helpful.

A strong personal brand is much more than a well crafted profile. It’s a promise of value, a unique identity that sets you apart. I’m here to guide you on your branding journey, so you have the tools to unlock the potential of your own unique personal brand.

Let’s explore this exciting new world together.